预备学院辅修Curriculum由基督学院提供,有额外的要求. For more information about the Pre-Seminary Studies program 请联系 牧师. 昆廷安德森.
的目的 基督学院 is to enable students to understand, 沟通, 教, 捍卫, and believe the Christian faith through systematic inquiry of the Bible, the doctrines of the church, and other statements of faith. 基督学院也装备学生在他们选择的领域的专业教会职业.
- Pre-Seminary Studies Minor
- 40台
- CCI 103: Introduction to Ministry
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本Curriculum将探讨基督教的职业,包括在路德教会-密苏里教会(LCMS)担任牧师的全职专业教会工作的可能性, 女执事, 老师, director of Christian education, 或教区音乐总监,并在教会和当地会众的背景下检查这些职位. 未来教会工作人员的专业和个人成长和形成将被描述和培养.
- CCI 111: Seminar in Pastoral Ministry
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这个研讨会Curriculum是为在路德会Churchâ´´密苏里会(LCMS)追求牧师职业的学生而设。. 与会者将探讨牧师特别感兴趣和关注的领域. 牧师的作用将在一般教会和地方会众的背景下进行审查. 未来牧师的专业和个人成长和形成将被描述和培养. Students in the Pre-Seminary program must take one (1) seminar course per year, normally in the semester they are not taking CCI 103 or CCI 305. 可重复的. 先决条件: Program acceptance or consent of instructor.
- CCI 305: Called to Teach the Faith
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All Christian ministers 教 the faith in their various callings. 本Curriculum将装备未来的牧师在不同的教育环境中正确应用律法和福音, to theologically evaluate curricula, and to participate in effective faith formation. 学生通过当地和国家教会等主题为全职事工做好个人和专业准备, 呼叫流程, Christian professionalism and ethics, and through spiritual and personal health. This class will also address income tax, 社会保障, and financial planning for called ministers. Prerequisites: Acceptance into an LCMS church vocations program; completion of THL 371 (concurrent enrollment allowed) or consent of the instructor.
本Curriculum将学习古希腊语言的基础知识,包括词法, 语法, and 词汇表 for reading simple passages of Greek prose.
A continuation of GRE 101. 先决条件: GRE 101 or equivalent with a grade of C- or better.
This course will study the morphology, 词汇表, and 语法 of biblical Hebrew for reading simple passages of the Hebrew Bible.
A continuation of HEB 101. 先决条件: HEB 101 or equivalent with a grade of C- of better.
- THL 201: History and Literature of the Old Testament
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- THL 202: History and Literature of the New Testament
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Through a historical and literary survey of the New Testament, 本Curriculum将强调神学主题及其与基督徒信仰和生活的相关性.
- THL 304: History of the Christian Church
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本Curriculum将调查基督教会的起源和发展,通过其政治和文化背景和影响的审查,特别考虑到在基督教会历史上不同时间和地点出现的神学主题, culminating with 21st century trends in fundamentalism, 福音派的教义, 和合一.
- THL 371: Christian Doctrine and Confessions I
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这门系统和认信神学的入门Curriculum将涵盖神学方法, revelation and Scripture, 律法与福音, the Triune God and His attributes, 人性与罪, and the person and work of Jesus Christ as the God-man, 重点是圣经的关键材料及其在路德教信条中的表达.
- THL 372: Christian Doctrine and Confessions II
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这门系统和认信神学的入门Curriculum将涵盖基督的工作, the person and the work of the Holy Spirit, 教会和末世论的重点是关键的圣经材料和它的表达在路德信条. 先决条件: THL 371.
- THL 465: Christians and Ethics
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根据圣经的教导,通过道德和伦理的Explore, this course will orient students to the main approaches, both traditional and contemporary, 当他们学习基督教信仰如何与这些方法相互作用时,非圣经哲学伦理学. 路德教的忏悔区分上帝的左手和右手统治的意义也将探讨. 通常包括学生对当代伦理问题的研究和报告. 先决条件:CTHL 101 or CTHL 200) and junior standing, or consent of instructor.
*LCMS students pursuing certification must maintain a 2.5 cumulative grade point average (GPA) in all coursework and a 2.8 cumulative GPA in required 基督学院 courses. Students must receive at least a C- in courses required for LCMS certification. Once you have successfully completed all requirements, 你会被学院推荐进入lms神学院.
当前的学生, 请注意:这里列出的要求可能不反映该辅修Curriculum的最新Curriculum,也可能不是您要完成辅修Curriculum的目录年的要求. Please refer to the 学术目录 for official requirements you must meet to qualify.